The prefix Hierners was registered in the Swedish kennel Club and FCI in June 2008.

The passion and desire of having a dog started for many years now. But because of family, job and other it took a while before the dream came true. We fell in love with the griffons at "HUND2005" when we met and got to know many griffons and their owners. After that day we were hooked!

Since we always had wanted a black dog we couldn’t help looking for a smooth black. It took time but finally we could bring home King Wizard Elton, our first griffon. Elton is just one of a kind and the king of kennel Hierners. He is the king of everything and especially of our hearts. Elton and Julia do everything together and the love and trust between them is indescribable. They truly belong together and that’s the way it is, they are inseparable.

And as always with griffons, if you have one, you will have more soon!

So when we saw Eltons first black son, Balas Harley we couldnt help ourselves. And with a great contact and trust between us and Eva Fialova, Kennel Tamaguci, we could bring our beautiful Stella into Sweden. This is the foundation of Kennel Hierners and we have hopes of bringing these bloodlines into combinations that makes wonderful, good looking and healthy Hierners babies.

In 2010 we had our first litter after Ch. Keysi Tamaguci and Ch. Leo Belgicus Wellingtons which resulted in 2 beautiful smooth black and tan babies. We kept the boy, Hierners Nelson Mandela and the girl lives with friends but we still have the breeding rights on her.

In 2011 we took another litter after Stella and this time we used our own King, Elton. The mating between these two resulted in 5 puppies, 3 red boys, 1 red girl and 1 black girl. From that litter we kept our first red beauty and that was Hierners Lady In Red “Bonnie”.

We also want to send a huge thanks to all breeders and griffonowners who have taught us so much, especially Julia who has travelled around the country to learn more about this breed. The knowledge we have learned will stay with us forever!

1604717_10203176680527088_4623006119280724008_n.jpgThroughout the years we have achieved so much, more than we ever could dream of. Some memories will stay with us forever. Like when Elton took his first Champion title, or when Harley took his first title in only 6 days(!!!) Or when Stella finished her championtitle just a few weeks after having her first litter. There are two shows we know we will never forget and that is the griffon specialty show in 2009 under breeder and Judge Joan Goldin, Kennel Fleetgold who awarded Elton BOB and BIS-4. And also the specialty show in 2011 when breeder and judge Howard Ogden, Kennel Beauview awarded Elton BOB and BIS-2 at the Swedish Griffon Clubs 50:th jubilee.

And ofcourse we will never forget the year of 2011, when Ch. Bala’s Harley went top winning petit brabancon in Sweden.

In 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017 kennel Hierners was # 1 Griffonbreeder in Sweden!
During 2014 Ch. Hierners Lady In Red was our first home bred griffon to be awarded BOS and BIS-4 at the griffon speciality show under Eija Koskeline, Huvikummun kennel.

In 2016 MultiCh Hierners Bark At The Moon ended as #1 Petit Brabancon in Sweden, just 2 years old. During 2017 we finished the year by going # 1 petit brabancon in Sweden with MultiCh Blue Bay’s Roi De La Revolution and #1 Bitch petit brabancon in Sweden with MultiCh Hierners Bark At The Moon.

We have high hopes for the future and hope to have many more years with this lovely breed!

Julia Hierner